Welcome Divy of DivergenceArt, everyone!

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Divy of DivergenceArt is an incredibly talented artist from Italy!
Batz: Thank you so much for having this interview with me and The Nerdy Bat Cave!
Your art always brightens up my day. I love following your artistic journey on Instagram.
Please introduce yourself! How long have you been an artist?
Divy: Hi! I’m Divy! I’m from Italy! I’ve started my journey since I was super small!
Batz: Your work is truly incredible and so creative!
What is your crafty art style like?

Divy: Digital art! Kawaii anime style and also chibi!
But I only bought an iPad to draw digitally 3 years ago.
Batz: I absolutely adore the kawaii anime style, especially chibi!
Did you have any inspirations for being an artist? Or current inspirations?
Divy: I admire so many artists but my biggest inspirations are Trytryagain and Rosuuri.
Batz: Trytryagain and Rosuuri are really amazing! And both with such unique styles too!
What is your favorite piece created?
Divy: I absolutely love space so I would say my recent Cerere art!

Batz: Cerere is gorgeous! And all those colors are so beautiful~
And is that a space octopus critter? So cute!!<3
Are there any new or future releases to be looking forward to?
Divy: Oh many! I am always so full of ideas!
My next project will be a new Draw This in Your Style when I reach 6000 followers!
Batz: You’re soooo close to 6,000 followers! Let’s goooo!!!
( Shameless promo:
Go support and follow Divy after this interview.. or now!! =] )
Batz: Will you be vending at any conventions or events in 2023-2024?
Divy: Unfortunately not, I would love to but I’m trying to make myself a name before that!

Batz: It’ll be exciting to see DivergenceArt’s booth in the future!
Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for those new and curious about art or becoming an artist?
Divy: Don’t stick to just practicing the same things, try new things as much as possible to understand what you like and what you think suits you! And never give up! You might not draw something perfectly at first but you can always try again and study more!
Batz: That’s beautifully said, Divy! I hope your art inspires others as it has for me.
Is there anything you would like to say to The Nerdy Bat Cave readers?
Divy: Thank you everyone for reading! Hope it was interesting!
With a stunning pallet of colors, and a bubblegum style of super cute designs, DivergenceArt is a rising star artist in the art community!
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