Today is The Legend of Zelda’s 35th anniversary. Since 1986, this legendary game series has been a fan favorite for many, many years.
The first and original The Legend of Zelda game launched on the Famicon Disk System in Japan and Nintendo Entertainment System internationally in 1986. In 2017, the latest game Breath of the Wild was released on Nintendo’s current console the Nintendo Switch. There has been 18 main Legend of Zelda games in the series but also around 20 spin-off and alternate games in the series. There has even been animated films, manga, comics, and board games! Each LoZ game has unique characters, music, icons, dungeons, and gameplay in general.
My personal favorite game was Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask on the Nintendo 64.

I remember it was almost nightmare fuel to play LoZ: Majora’s Mask and the whole abduction with the cows and Romani on Romani’s ranch. And if the actual abduction sequence wasn’t stressful enough -really thinking back on how Romani’s personality and life changed afterwards was truly daunting. When approached by Link, she couldn’t remember who she was. Romani was dazed in her own world and also trembling violently alone. She also pondered why shooting with her bow, a great skill she had learn to protect the cows, was so important to her. All in all, Majora’s Mask was themed around death and the final days of the world along with more depressing themes within the gameplay but I will always have a soft spot for Romani and the ranch.
Which LoZ game is your favorite? Are there any games you’re excited to play?
Let us know in the comments!