Let’s welcome Bianca of Ittsumo Kawaii, everyone!
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Photo by: @fabledfocus
Who is Bianca? An extremely talented cosplayer and an artistic designer that creates the most magical things. I was very excited to meet Bianca at Sin City Anime 2023 (SCA) and was delighted to have this interview with her. Please enjoy learning all about Ittsumo Kawaii -A place where everything is always cute!
Batz: Hello Bianca! Thank you so much for having this interview for The Nerdy Bat Cave. Welcome and please introduce yourself.
Bianca: Hello! My name is Bianca and I’m a self taught resin artist with over 10 years of experience. Primarily, I make hand make pieces with two-parts epoxy and UV resin. I also do design work with my husband in 3D modeling and print work. Personally, I specialize in crafts inspired anime, video games, pop culture, and kawaii style. I make jewelry, accessories, and home decor. I recently started cosplaying again after not doing so for many years. So I’ve done quite a bit of wig styling and prop making with help from my husband.
Batz: All your creations are beautiful. I remember passing by your artist alley booth at SCA and seeing your Bulbasaur 3D planters all lined up all precious and fell in love immediately! You dabble in so many mediums, it’s really remarkable. Did you have any inspirations that impacted your creating or anyone who influenced you?
Bulbasaur, I Choose You!

Bianca: My good friend Suzu Studios actually inspired me many years ago as she started working with polymer clay thus leading me to do so as well. Sadly, it proved to be very time consuming, so I fell out of love with clay and discovered resin videos on YouTube through watching clay tutorials. Other kawaii artists that inspire me are Kawaii Studios and Sakura Dragon.
In terms of cosplayers, gosh there are so many. But if I had to name one it would most certainly have to be Yaya Han. Her story, in particular, about tabling at Anime Expo with only $15 to her name right before her career took off really inspired me. So not only has she been an inspiration to me as a cosplayer but also as a vendor and Asian American. Growing up Chinese American here in the states I never really saw many people that looked like me doing well for themselves, especially in the nerd space. So I am grateful to Yaya for that. I’m happy to say that I met her for the first time at Anime Magic! 2022 and could tell her this in person and give her one of my pieces.
Bianca as Yor Forger from Spy x Family

Batz: That is beautifully said, Bianca. And what a bunch of wonderful creators! It makes me so happy that you met Yaya Han and told her your story. It’s really exciting that you gifted her one of your pieces, too. That must have felt truly surreal and gratifying. Speaking of, what are your favorite pieces ever created?

Bianca: That’s a very tough question… I’d definitely have to say that my resin kunai and Zodiac Fruits Basket resin trays are my current favorites. I also love our 3D printed Oddish and Bulbasaur planters. The Oddish in particular will always have a special place in my heart as that was the first planter that I came up with and had my husband 3D print because I needed it for my office at my former office job. That job would be the one that I ultimately quit to make and sell my art full time at cons.

Batz: What a fantastic team you and your husband are! I love that you have that kind of support. And that you have support of those who appreciate your art so you can be a full-time artist. Your creations are really unique. Also major shout out to Fruits Basket! It’s uncommon to see art and crafts from that anime, a forever favorite of mine! Are there any new or future releases that readers and fans of yours should look forward to?
Bianca: My husband and I are currently working on some new 3D printed Pokémon ideas and I have plans for more practical resin storage, decor, and accessories. I also have been playing with the idea of selling cosplay prints, but I’m not entirely sure about that yet. Be sure to follow me on social media to stay up to date! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Bianca as Chi from Chobits

Batz: Can’t wait to see all the new items you create! Will you be vending at any conventions or events in 2023-2024?
Bianca: Oh yes, many!
Ittsumo Kawaii’s tentative con schedule:
Galacticon 2023- Nov. 24th-26th (Denver, CO)
Daku Con 2023-Dec. 8th-10th (Denver, CO)
St. Pete Comic Con 2024- Jan. 6th-7th (St. Petersburg, FL)
Anime Milwaukee 2024-Mar. 8th-10th (Milwaukee, WI)
Anime New Mexico 2024-Mar. 15th-17th (Albuquerque, NM)
Anime Onsen 2024- May 3rd-5th (Colorado Springs, CO)
Anime Town Utah 2024- May 10th-12th (Sandy, UT)
Denver Fan Expo 2024- Jul. 4th-7th (Denver, CO)
Ecchi Expo Denver 2024 – Aug. 9th-11th (Denver, CO)
Anime Magic! 2024- Aug. 30th-Sep. 1st (Rosemont, IL)
Anime Banzai 2024- Oct. (Dates TBA) (Layton, UT)
Sin City Anime 2024-Nov. (Dates TBA) (Las Vegas, NV)
Bianca as Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service

Batz: Wow! You’ll be traveling all over. That’s really wonderful to hear. I hope it’s a year full of fantastic memories and successes! Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for those new and curious about the art community and starting out?
Bianca: Hahaha I always feel a bit out of place when I’m asked this because if I’m being completely honest I really have no idea what I’m doing… (^_^;) I wish I could tell you that there is a method to the madness, but this is all a learning as you go type of progress. So all I can really say is to be patient and gentle with yourself. Give yourself the time and space to hone your craft and make it your own no matter what it might be. Don’t focus on being good immediately or comparing yourself to others. No two people are on the same path even those who work in the same medium(s)/fields. There’s only one you so own it and the rest will come together naturally.
Batz: Thank you for this, Bianca! I’m sure you’ll inspire many, as those inspired you!<3 Before we end this interview, is there anything you would like to say to The Nerdy Bat Cave readers?
Bianca: Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my journey and for interviewing me Batz! I’m beyond honored and grateful that you all took the time and will continue to follow me on this crazy ride!
….Now in terms of inspiration, one thing that has gotten me through some of the toughest of times is knowing that Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting in his lifetime. Just one! So don’t give up!

Support Ittsumo Kawaii
Bianca, of Ittsumo Kawaii, is an artist, crafter, and cosplayer. Her gorgeous resin and 3D creations are beautiful treasures that brighten up the most gloomiest of days. Please support Bianca on her full-time artist journey with Ittsumo Kawaii and be sure to stop by her artist booth at one of the many conventions listed above! Thank you so much, everyone, for supporting artists all around the world!
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