Kelsea of Kerushii.Arts
Are commissions open? Yes
Batz: Yay!!! So happy to have you here, Kerushii! Your art is absolutely adorable! I’ve been really looking forward to this interview, and learning more about you! Thank you for your time and presence. ♡
Please introduce yourself to those who may not know you. Also, how long have you been an artist?
Kerushii: Hello everyone! My name is Kelsea (Kerushii) and I’m a digital artist who loves creating webcomics and drawing chibis! I have been an artist since I was 5 years old! (haha) But I started drawing anime art/traditional art when I was 12, and have loved it since. I received my first tablet as a gift when I was 19, and have been drawing digitally since 😀 So approx- 14 years! (Call me Granny Keru -mwahaha)

Batz: Awww wow! You’ve been drawing for such a long time, that’s wonderful!! What is your art style like now? Do you have a favorite style or piece you’ve made?
Kerushii: My art style is definitely anime chibi art with a vibrant/kawaii aesthetic. But I really enjoy challenging myself with webcomics and aiming for a Violet Evergarden aesthetic (one day! XD) Oh that’s a difficult one- I would have to say my persona, Luna! I’m really proud of her design 😀 The other work I’m the proudest of is some webtoons I’m in the middle of publishing because I’ve been working on developing their stories for years- I can’t wait to publish more 🙂

Batz: I’m really excited to see your webcomics and webtoons!! (Also, Violet Evergarden is such a good anime!!) Who or what was your inspiration for being an artist?
Kerushii: My mom was a massive influence on me. She’s an artist too, so I grew up loving art. But my biggest inspiration/spark of “Oh wow, this is what I would love to do! Maybe I could do this too.” was a game series called “Harvest Moon.” (Now by the name “Story of Seasons”) I still hold it very near and dear to my heart to this day.

Batz: That’s amazing!!! I also hold Story of Seasons (formally Harvest Moon) dear to my heart as well. Best memories! Will you be vending at any conventions or events in 2023?
Kerushii: Not this year! But I hope in the next year I can plan to.

Batz: Definitely let us know if you do! Are there any new or future releases to be looking forward to with your art, webcomics, or webtoons?
Kerushii: I’m in the middle of setting up my Twitch for streaming to connect more with my community. I really want to create a welcoming place on the internet where people can be their authentic selves and happy. In the near future, I want to continue my webcomics as well and create merch for an online shop. There’s a lot I want to do and I believe I can do it 😀
Batz: Sounds like you have an eventful, busy, and exciting year ahead of you! What are some fun facts about you?
Kerushii: I really love coffee and Boba tea so much! My favorite group of all time is BTS because they help me believe in myself and shoot for the stars. I’m also a professional ceramist and learned video game design in college. And my favorite place on earth is the ocean. One day I want to visit all of South Korea and Japan. They are my childhood dream to visit (^u^)

Batz: I hope you achieve those dreams someday! ♡ Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for those new and curious about being an artist? Or just some favorite tips for creating?
Kerushii: Don’t give up, and always be kind to yourself. Art is not something that only talented people can do. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who believe in you. Whether that is online or in person, there are people who want to see you succeed wholeheartedly. So never give up, and one day when you look back you’ll think, “Oh wow, I can’t believe I’ve come so far.” It’s always hard to see progress when it’s only inch by inch every day, but those inches add up and make a great distance. So keep going. Also, humble beginnings are good enough too. You don’t need the fanciest phone, tablet, markers, or paper to start! Just start drawing and taking photos, and post! You got this and I believe in you! 😀

Batz: That’s really kind of you to say! I hope the readers feel as insanely inspired as I do right now! ♡ Do you have anything else you would like to say to The Nerdy Bat Cave readers?
Kerushii: Whatever your dreams in life are, I hope they all come true, and I hope you always remember you are worth the life you dream of. I believe in you and know you’ll do amazing things in this life. I want to thank you for taking the time to read my Q&A, and I really want to thank Batz for interviewing me and supporting my journey. She’s so kind and I can’t wait to see how the blog grows and all the fantastic artists on here!

Kerushii is a hardworking, passionate artist who truly loves what she does. From art and commissions, creating webcomics and webtoons, and a future slew of other incredible projects in the works -I am so excited to see Kerushii grow, and I hope all of you do too! ♡
Support KERUSHII by checking out these links:
Kerushii.Arts Instagram
Ko-Fi Commissions
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