A new Pokemon Presents is here to celebrate Pokemon’s 25th anniversary. The first five minutes of Pokemon Presents is a chronilogical timeline of everything Pokemon throughout the years. From games, to cards, to anime and toys -there has been so many incredible different Pokemon releases and mediums in the past 25 years.

Pokemon Snap was first announced with a video showing the new gameplay. The release date will be April 30, 2021 on the Nintendo Switch. Within the game, You will adventure during the day as well as night in the Lentil region to take photographs of Pokemon in their natural habitats. There will be a photobook to collect your photos in, with the ability to edit the photos and even a sticker option to decorate your photos with which resembles purikura!

Next announcement was the reveal of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl that will be released and available worldwide in 2021 on the Nintendo Switch. This will be a wonderful nostalgic trip to the Sinnoh region enjoying the storyline of the past Diamond and Pearl games with the return of Chimchar, Turtwig, and Piplup as the starter Pokemon.

After Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl’s announcement, a gameplay video of Pokemon Legends: Arceus was shown.
This game will be released early worldwide in 2022 on the Nintendo Switch. Adventuring out to create Sinnoh’s very first pokedex, there will be open world features to fully explore the region along with Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawot as the starters which were starter Pokemon from previous different regions.
Pokemon Presents concludes that there will be two new additions in the Pokemon series that are both within the Sinnoh regions -Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Along with a recreation with Pokemon Snap, 2021 and 2022 will be an incredible year to enjoy more Pokemon! We also cannot forget Pokemon Unite, the multiplayer online battle arena game, which was announced on the Pokemon Presents back in June 2020.
Which games are you excited for?